Here's what's up...

Oh Hey 2025!
SRM Custom Art & Design slammed the door on 2024 with a BANG, a BOOM, and probably a little too much coffee-fueled creativity. And let me tell ya, 2025 is...
Skinner Ranch Mama: Ranch Wife, Mom & Business Owner
Welcome to my store! Wait...WHAT?!
Exsqueeze me, what?! SRM Custom Art and Design is launching a grenade. BOOM, honeys! I am opening a storefront! *Cue simultaneous tears, giggles, & blank stares* This business literally started...
The latest and greatest books I have loved...
1) West with Giraffes ... just a fantastic story. Plain and simple. 2) A Court of Thorns and Roses .... I know I'm late the ball. My niece recommended a...
4H isn't for the faint of heart...
Holy moly pals. If you've been here before you know that I don't like messes and I can't function in chaos. What you might not know is I'm an extraverted...
Small Biz Prime Deals
Here is the fun part! Comment below with what you ordered/were looking at during Prime Days or what we have in common from what I ordered and I will pick...
River Town Farmer's Market
Have you heard? There's a weekly Farmer's Market in Drummond, MT. It's called River Town Farmer's Market and it's located on A and B Street (the streets that run along...
Camping with a Pyscho(Ranch Wife)
It may surprise you that this dirt hating gal likes to camp, but I was born in Alaska and grew up in a very outdoorsy family. So I do enjoy...
Science with a Story
Okay, okay. I know. Nerd Alert. But stick with me. Sometimes I get sick of listening to music while I’m creating or working in my office and I’ve really gotten...
Book Recommendations- March 2024
First of all, it's been a hot minute since I sat down and wrote a blog post for my website. I have been reading before bed and listening to audiobooks...
OOFY! It's been a hot minute.
Golly! I haven’t sat down and posted a blog post to my website in foreverrrr. This one might be all over the place haha *warning* I’m mostly going to just...
Why are you so tan?
If you didn't already know this (you must be blind probably from seeing me without tanner on 😂), but I'm extreme white. I'm almost see through. I use self tanner...
Summer, you dirty...
Ugh! Summer is just flying for us and I'm one of the moms that really likes when my kids are home. They are good at playing and for the most...
You Pay WHAT!
Ok, here's the deal, I like TV. For the most part, I'm a homebody and I love to just be able to sit and chill after the kids go to...