Let chat M to the O, double P to the ING.
Mopping. I have opinions. They are strong. Here they are:
The O’Cedar Mop and Spin Bucket is the GOAT of mopping. There I said it. Yes, I had a Bissell Crosswave. Yes, it works really well and vacuuming and mopping at once is great, BUT here’s why I switched to a $35 system.
The Bissell Crosswave has cons that I dealt with because it was expensive and I did like how it cleaned, but in the end I was crabby about the overall experience. It takes forever to clean up when you’re finished and then I had to clean out the sink too. If you only need to mop once a week, or maybe less because you don’t have 3 heathen children and live on a ranch with a cow-poopy rancher then it is probably great for you. But living where we do with the kids and dogs and cat, I was having to break mine out 3 times a week and taking it apart when you’re done, cleaning all the pieces and laying it out to dry and then putting all that away got old. Another con to the Bissell, was if you only needed to clean a small area, you still had to do all the work same as if you’re cleaning the entire house.
Then it started to break. First a seal and then the tank. I didn’t want to keep buying parts and replacement heads when I could just invest in a different type of mop.
I have a couple gram-friends and a real-life bestie that were swearing by their O’Cedar mops and it seemed like an easy “yes” to just give it a go. I use powdered Tide in mine (imagine that LOL) and sometimes a splash of bleach. I vacuum everything first, because I don’t really like to sweep and then I can mop around 1200 square feet in less than 10 minutes with this sucker and it is CLEAN! Hashtag lurve it
When I’m done, I just dump the dirty water in our deep sink and rinse out the bucket. The mop head gets thrown in the washing machine and we are good to go until the next mess. You know…5 minutes later? Haha!
Another perk of the O’Cedar mop is that you can easily tip the mop head and wipe baseboards, cabinets, bathtubs, fan blades, etc.
So what I’m curious about is what you use in your mop water to get your house clean. I love Powdered Tide and I doubt I’ll ever change this habit, but I am always open hearing about what other people use to keep a clean house.