#psychoranchwife hack numero uno
Okay, it’s no secret I’m a weirdo. A cleaning weirdo. I love a clean house. I love organization. I feel content when things are tidy and where they belong.
So I decided that a natural thing for me to share with you are my “hacks” that keep my psycho self functioning around here.
If you’re new here, I’m a stay-at-home-mom, ranch wife and business owner in western Montana. Unlike some ranch wives, I don’t work on the ranch daily. If they need me to help, I do. For the ranch, I do paperwork, enter data and pay bills for the commercial herd and cook when my MIL needs help. My role as a ranch wife and mom is primarily keeping our house and kids all that goes with that afloat. I do all the errands, clean (obvi!), and take care of the kids from the moment their toes hit the floor until their wild eyelashes close. Not to say Tim doesn’t help! He does what he can when is home, but for the most part he works constantly.
This past fall I was getting really frustrated with dinner time. I told Tim one day that I hated dinner, and I don’t say the “H” word. But gosh darn it! I was sick of planning. I was sick of picking something. SICK. OF. IT.
At the Rural Rooted Reunion, one of my Rural Rooted sisters, Jana, told us she was wanting to do meal plans that were family friendly and I was totally intrigued. I was especially interested because she is a nurse, has a nutrition background and has small kids on a beef ranch just like muah. So when she launched her meal plans, I checked it out and was SO, SO pleased to see how it was organized (she’s also a #psychoranchwife) and how affordable it was.
The first week that I received her email I was hooked. Hashtag hooked in a loud voice! I didn’t have to think. I could glance at her grocery list to see what I was missing and would need to get during the week. I didn’t have to plan. I didn’t have to pick something. I didn’t have to hear, “I don’t care,” after asking what Tim and the kids wanted for dinner.
So if you’re like me and need to save time, need different ideas, and need someone else to take over this piece of your life, sign up! Do it! Make one less decision everyday. You can actually purchase just one month at a time if you want to you, but you do get a better deal if you’re subscribed.
Here is a recipe from Jana for Mexican Pie and just do yourself a favor, sign up and don’t hate dinnertime anymore.
Mexican Pie
1 lb. ground beef
1/2 teaspoon onion powder
1 - 10 oz. can tomato soup
3/4 cup water
1/2 tablespoon chili powder
1 - 15 oz. can corn, drained
1 - 16 oz. package corn bread mix
1 egg, beaten
1 cup milk
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
Salt and pepper to taste
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place ground beef in a frying pan and season with salt and pepper and onion powder. Cook until done. Turn to heat and add soup, water and corn. Let simmer 3 minutes then remove from heat. Spoon beef into a 9x13 dish and spread evenly.
In a separate bowl, combine the cornbread, milk and egg and stir until just barely combined. Spoon over the top of the beef mixture and spread evenly. Bake for 30 minutes or until the top is golden brown.
Remove from heat and sprinkle with cheese.